Wednesday, December 23, 2015

It's the Night Before the Night Before Christmas

Pistachio ice cream? Check.

The candied bits. Yummers.

Presents wrapped? Check.

Tree up? Check.

Deer assembled?  Check.

Shandy inspecting Penguins?  (It's her yearly thing.) Check.

Shoes picked?  Check.

Uh oh. This is all going a little too smoothly. I must be forgetting something!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

If I Were To Wear a Six Inch Heel

These would be the ones.  However I think I need to draw the line at a heel that is almost as high as my foot is long...

Or maybe it's just that my legs are too short.

Editors Note:  No animals were mistreated during this shoot.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Today, I Am Thankful for my Dog

And I am grateful for the cats he tolerates.

And I am grateful for all our friends who love him.

And I am grateful for my husband who found him:

And I'm grateful for the car he loves to ride in.

And I'm grateful for the house he lives in.

And I am grateful for the mom who puts up with him.

And I am grateful for the shoes he never chews.

And I am grateful for the dad who loves him.

So today, when I have so much to be thankful for, I am especially thankful for my Jack.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Got the Cavity Maker

All revved up!

Cuz it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without some hi test cinnamon glacé!

Friday, November 20, 2015


I get to take a selfie of my outfit.  Apparently I forgot to make the bed.

I get to take a silly pic of the shoes I'm wearing to text to a friend a world away.  While I wait for another friend to meet me to take me to my (early and first of the year) birthday lunch.

I get to watch my dog try to eat his dinner around the cat.  Jack has a hard life.

I get to goof off and try on some of my shoes.  Just because its Friday.

I get to relax and watch our champion Warriors play a game.  Ok not the score we are looking for but the night is young.  Oh and did I mention (for the millionth time) that Steph Curry lives in our neighborhood?  Oh I have?

And now, Friday night, I get to blog about the 101 silly little things that made up my Friday. 

Just a simple Friday night.  That so many didn't get to have.  And will never have again.

Today.  I am just a lucky so and so.  And don't I know it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Halloween Tale

Lola decides to be a Warriors Fan and a Magician for Halloween:

Now for the magician part:

We see Jack:

We see Jack see Lola:

And now we see Lola make Jack disappear!

Pretty good trick little girl!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Then There Was That Time Jack Made a Friend...

Last night.

Thanks Steve for being such a good buddy to Jack!

So the GOOD News Is...

The water went out AFTER everyone left last night!  Glass half full!  But not with water:(

But while I have you here, here's a throwback to what Jack and I were wearing last night:

And Jack now!  Party pooped.

So I Guess I'm Hoping That in Some Small Way

This humble-ish (navel gazing) blog can change this Snapple statistic!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Just Your Average Thursday Night

A little cream a little milk a coupla eggs a little sugar and a dab 'o vanilla with a caramel sea salt chaser.  Seriously, how bad could it be?  (BTW, a question that should never be asked.)

Yum yum yum!

Because if you make it, they will come.

Amirite or amirite?  Jack is hoping I'm right!