Monday, January 27, 2014

A History Lesson

Just saw 'Wolf of Wall Street".   There is a scene that takes place in 1990 (if memory serves it was the day of the Steve Madden IPO (speaking of shoes)...I looked it up...)...if you've seen the movie it's the scene where Leonardo Dicaprio and his wife are fighting in the nursery...and we get a long shot of her beautiful shoes (and a lot of her other stuff but let's not go there)...

Anyhoo, dollars to donuts those red heels are the iconic Campari shoe by Manolo Blahnik.  Now, that particular shoe didn't debut until at least 1994 (the actual date is a little fuzzy...coulda been 1997), so how was it she got her mitts on them?  And her dogs in them?  In 1990?

I dunno, but I'm glad I got 2005!

And the good news is, this style is STILL being sold in your tonier shoe departments so that means they were a really good investment!  (Unlike the bad investing done in that movie...)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Boy these boots look big...

Or maybe it's just that the nail polish bottle is so small.  Which is too bad as I can't read the name of the color on the bottle...sorry Mariah! But it is the perfect raisin color to match my boots...OPI, you always come thru!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Time to get my blog on...

And nothing like a special delivery of genie shoes to cure what ails me! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! It was a great celebration...

But now too pooped to pop, what to do?

Watch a movie! 

And did...Populaire...just the right bit of froth to start 2014!!