Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jumping For Joy!

New Green Shoes! 

They went into my shopping cart in December, and unbelievably just went on sale!!!!!  And one left in my size!  Good things go to those who wait!  And wait.  And wait...

Photo Credit:  BFF Pat.  

Saturday, May 23, 2015

It's a Great/Lucky/The Usual Kinda Day!!!

The Great:  The Warriors Won!!!

Just a coupla guys, having the time of their lives.

The Lucky:  Oh wow and holy cow.  The A's won?!!!

The Usual:  And a little business.  I bought (not this exact pair) the below shoes from Neiman's last year.  When they arrived they were scuffed in the bottom and clearly not fresh.  As much as I loved them, for THAT price they need to be just picked that day fresh!   So back they went.  Sigh.  I figured I could easily find them again but alas and alack no!  Last available pair in the known universe!  So then I started stalking eBay and they showed up, a bakers dozen of EVERY SIZE BUT ME OWN.  My fingers cramped from doing a daily search.  So finally I gave up and almost sorta forgot about them.  Fast forward many months later.  As today is apparently a lucky (A's) great (Warriors) day...I ran across them today on EBay, my size, unworn, for way cheaper than original retail, and then my even less Best Offer was accepted!!!!! Good things happen to those who (ahem, obsess to the point of hand cramp) don't give up!  Can't wait til they arrive!

Wow a day like today, a girl oughta buy a lottery ticket!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Dear Mr. King:

Please give my regards to Brother Ray Charles 
and Mr. Charles Brown.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Geez, Finally

A Game the A's Might Win!

It's early yet, but I will keep my feet crossed til they get the 27th out...hoping hoping hoping...!!!